Course curriculum

  • 01
    Intro to Classical Yoga's 8 Fold Path Course
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    • 8 Fold Path Course Intro
    • Learning Objectives
    • Meet Your Instructor, Bob Butera, PhD
    • What You Need for this Course & How to Benefit from this Course
    • 8 Fold Path Group Course and Individual Courses
  • 02
    Step 1 Yamas: Restraints, cutting out the unhealthy
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    • Yamas: Overview of the 5 Restraints
    • Journal Exercise: Real Life Applications of Restraints, Overcoming Spiritual Materialism
  • 03
    Step 2 Niyamas: Observances, habits to cultivate
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    • Niyamas: Overview of the 5 Observances
    • Real Life Applications of Observances: Overcoming Spiritual Bypassing
  • 04
    Step 3: Asana: Yoga Postures
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    • Introducing Yoga Poses
    • The Power of a Relaxed Body
    • Developing a Home Yoga Pose Practice
  • 05
    Step 4: Pranayama: Mastery of Breath
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    • Introducing Pranayama, Mastery of Breath
    • Breath & Mind
    • Overview of Breath Practices
  • 06
    Step 5: Pratyahara, Mastery of the 5 Senses
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    • Perception and the 5 Senses
    • On Mastery of the 5 Senses
  • 07
    Step 6: Dharana, Concentration of Mind
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    • Overview of Meditation Related Steps
    • Positive Thinking as Concentration
  • 08
    Step 7: Dhyana, Meditation
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    • Meditation Overview
    • 6 Types of Meditation: Find the type for you!
  • 09
    Step 8: Samadhi or Trance Consciousness
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    • The Enlightened Mind
    • Mysticism as the Culmination of the 8 Fold Path