Course curriculum

  • 01
    Introduction to Course 112, Observances, Niyamas, Step 2 of Yoga's 8 Fold Path
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    • Course 112: Introduction to the Niyamas
    • Course 112 Learning Objectives
    • Meet Your Instructor
    • How to Benefit from this Course
  • 02
    Personal Transformation with the Niyamas in this Course
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    • Cultivating Positivity: "Niyamas for the Balanced Path, avoiding excess and inactivity"
    • Personal Transformation in Step 2
    • Internal Mind First, Action Second
  • 03
    Purity or Sauca
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    • Yoga Sutras Book II, Verses 40 & 41
    • Niyamas for the Balanced Path, avoiding excess and inactivity
    • Internal Mind First, Action Second
  • 04
    Contentment or Samtosa
    Show Content
    • Yoga Sutras Book II, Verse 42
    • Niyamas for the Balanced Path: Avoiding excess and Inactivity
    • Internal Mind First, Action Second
  • 05
    Self Discipline or Tapas
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    • Yoga Sutras Book II, Verse 43
    • Niyamas for Balance: Avoiding Excess and Inactivity
    • Internal Mind First, Action Second
  • 06
    Self-Study or Svadhyaya
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    • Yoga Sutras Book II, Verse 44
    • Niyamas for Balance: Avoiding Excess and Inactivity
    • Internal Mind First, Action Second
  • 07
    Surrender to a Higher Reality or Isvara Pranidhana
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    • Yoga Sutras, Book II, Verse 45
    • Yielding to a Higher Reality via a Beginner’s Mind
    • Niyamas for the Balanced Path, avoiding excess and inactivity
    • Internal Mind First, Action Second
    • Course Conclusion