Course curriculum

  • 01
    Course 115: The Klesas: Introduction to the 5 Hindrances of Mind
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    • Course 115: Yoga Psychology: Introduction to the Hindrances of the Mind
    • Meet Your Instructor, Bob Butera, PhD
    • Learning Objectives
    • How to Benefit from this Course
  • 02
    More on Yoga Psychology
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    • On Yoga Psychology
    • Introducing the Klesas, aka the Hindrances of the Mind
    • Real Life Application: Time to Choose
  • 03
    Journey Through the Klesas
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    • Avidya (Ignorance): The Umbrella Klesa
    • Asmita (Egoism)
    • Raga (Attachment)
    • Dvesa (Aversion)
    • Abhinivesa (Fear of Death)
  • 04
    Benefits of the Hindrances Exploration
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    • Check-In: Klesas Assessment Form Check-In
    • Lateral Applications of the Klesas
    • The Enlightened Mind