Listening 202

Listening as a Mentor, Teacher, Coach, Parent and More

  • 01
    Yoga Therapy on Natural Foods and Herbs
    Show Content
    • Course Welcome
    • Course Objectives and Benefits
    • Meet Your Instructor, Bob Butera, PhD
    • Tips on Achieving Maximum Benefits with this Course
  • 02
    Unit 1: Yoga Philosophy and Nutrition
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    • Yoga Philosophy and Nutrition Lecture
    • Personalizing Food Typing via the Gunas (Qualities of Reality)
    • The Relationship Between Food and the Mind
    • Connecting Nutrition Goals with a Higher Purpose
  • 03
    Unit 2: Nutrition and the Gunas
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    • Nutrition and the Gunas (3 Qualities of Reality) Lecture
    • Koshas Assessment Form
    • Layering in All of the Koshas
    • Personal Commitment to the Koshas
  • 04
    Unit 3: Nutrition Science
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    • Nutrition Science Lecture
    • Guiding Inquiries on Refined Food and Sugar with Yoga Therapy Clients
    • Guiding Inquiries on Caffeine Use
    • Looking for Extremes: Inquiries on Fat, Salt and Food Issues
    • Stages of Change: Is Student Ready to Act
  • 05
    Unit 4: Natural Foods and Healing
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    • Healing Foods Lecture
    • Simple Herbalism: Seasonal Eating Recommendations
    • Kindness Around Food Inquiries
    • On Cleansing and Detoxes
    • The Key: Everyone is Already Complete
    • Course Recap: Goal of Yoga Therapy Nutritional Inquiries
    • Conclusion and Books for Future Study