Course 173: Karma Yoga on Performing Work Tasks
Discusses the steps to follow to purify the mind while working. Reduce stress by feeling motivated at work. Develop effortless concentration at work thru Acceptance, Concentration, Excellence and Non-Attachment to Results. Observe one step at a time.
Karma Yoga "On Tasks" Welcome
Karma Yoga "On Tasks"Learning Objectives
How to Benefit from this Course
Your Instructor
Pick 2 Areas to Transform: Choose Your Success
Karma Yoga 4 Step Overview Lecture
Acceptance Exercise First!
Complex example of the two Bosses
Cultivate Acceptance
Concentration Story :-)
Acceptance + Concentration
Motive Transformation Exercise
Positive Benefits of Concentration
Why Excellence is Necessary
Importance of Internal Excellence as well as external Excellence
Journal Entry on Excellence
Introductory words on Non-Attachment
Story about Non-Attachment as Wisdom
Work as Self Improvement
Journal Integration of Non-Attachment
Course Conclusion & Integration